Saturday, November 9, 2019

D365/AX7 – How to Implement Security Policy – Context Type Role Name


There are several practical scenarios where we are said to provide users the access to the forms but only allow them to view a set of records based on some conditions. At the same time, other users should be able to view a whole set of records of the data.


In order to achieve the above mentioned requirement, the security policy comes into action.
The security policy can be created three ways.
·         Context string: Use it if a context is used to determine whether the policy should be applied. Whenever it is required this context string needs to be set by the application using the XDS:SetContextAPI.
·         RoleName: Use it if the policy requires to be implemented only for a user in a specific role that accesses the constrained tables.
·         RoleProperty: Use it if the policy is to be applied only if user is a member of any one of a set of roles that have the context string property set to the same value.

Let’s have a quick demonstration on how security policy can be implemented using RoleName
Consider an example where logged in employee should be able to view only the vendor on vendor list page which is mapped to its employee record.

Create an AOT query which returns the set of records which should be displayed to the user conditionally. For the above mentioned scenario, the query would look like below.

Create a security role as below.

Create a new security policy and set the properties as below.

Context Type: RoleName
Primary table: Select the table from the query as primary table to apply the record level security
Constraint Table: Set to ‘Yes’ if the Primary table should be used to restrict the records.
Operation: Select the operation which should be restricted on primary table using this security policy.
Query: Set the query you created in step 1.
Role Name: Set the role name as you created in step 2.

Build your model/project and synchronize the database (to make your role available on the security configuration form) and the security policy is set to be applied with the role.


Apply the role to the user and grant the privilege to the vendors list page. When the user login to the application, only the selected vendor is viewable to the user.

To check how to implement security policy using other context types, please check the blog.

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